Venado Segura

Venado Segura

Venado Segura was launched in Venado Tuerto, Santa Fe, a city with great aspirations for technological growth. The city’s leaders have emphasized the use of technology to address social, information, and security issues. Citizens can download the mobile application from the official Android store and select the type of complaint they wish to make (drug trafficking, human trafficking, or theft/crime). The necessary information is entered through forms to comply with the formalization required by the municipality, which records the information in an administration panel.

Advantages of the system of complaints project in Venado Tuerto:

  • Greater efficiency: The use of technology to report complaints increases efficiency in the collection and recording of information.
  • Greater security: The application provides a secure and confidential way to report crimes, increasing security for citizens.
  • Greater convenience: Citizens can report a complaint anytime, anywhere through the mobile application.
  • Greater accuracy: The forms provided by the application allow citizens to provide accurate and detailed information about the complaint.
  • Greater transparency: The administrative panel used by the municipality provides transparency in the management of complaints.
  • Greater collaboration: The application allows citizens to collaborate with authorities to solve social problems.
  • Greater tracking: The application allows constant tracking of the status of the complaint, increasing citizens’ trust in the justice system.
  • Greater prevention: The possibility of reporting crimes quickly and efficiently can help prevent future crimes.
  • Greater citizen participation: The mobile application promotes citizen participation in the fight against crimes and social problems.
  • Greater quality of life: The use of technology to address social and security problems can improve the quality of life of citizens.

The importance of the project developed and why it is convenient to have a similar project:

The importance of the system of complaints project in Venado Tuerto lies in the use of technology to address social and security problems in the city. The mobile application provides a secure and confidential way for citizens to report crimes and social problems, increasing efficiency in the collection and recording of information. This, in turn, can help prevent future crimes and improve the quality of life of citizens.

Furthermore, the project promotes citizen participation in the fight against crimes and social problems, which can improve the relationship between citizens and authorities. It also provides transparency in the management of complaints, which can increase citizens’ trust in the justice system.

Having a similar project in other cities or municipalities can be convenient for several reasons. First, the use of technology to address social and security problems is a growing trend worldwide, and it is an efficient way to deal with these problems.

Secondly, a similar project can help improve the quality of life of citizens by providing a secure and efficient way to report crimes and social problems. It can also help prevent future crimes by allowing constant tracking of the status of complaints.


The system of complaints project in Venado Tuerto demonstrates how technology can be used to address social and security problems in a city. It provides a secure and confidential way for citizens to report crimes and social problems, increasing efficiency in the collection and recording of information. Furthermore, it promotes citizen participation in the fight against crimes and social problems, provides transparency in the management of complaints, and can improve the quality of life of citizens.

It is important to highlight that similar projects can be implemented in other cities and municipalities to improve the security and quality of life of citizens, and encourage citizen participation in the fight against crimes and social problems.

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