BASIC GIT COMMANDS that you should know if you are a developer.
What is GIT?
It is a “Version Control” software, which makes it easy for users to keep track of changes to a file.
Git is one of the most indispensable tools for project development.
Let get started!
1- git init
* Start a new repository
> git init
2- git clone
* Clone an existing repository, download a project and its entire version history
> git clone <https://link-with-repository-name>
3- git add and variations
* Add files to staging area
> git add <file-name> // Add a specific file.
> git add . // Add all files.
4- git commit -m
* Commit the changes with a message explaining the changes
> git commit -m “commit message”
> git commit -a -m “skip git add” // With this command we skip doing git add
5- git status
* Lists all new or changed files that need to be committed
> git status -s
6- git log
* List the version history of the current branch.
> git log
> git log –oneline –graph // With this command you can see it much better
> git log –pretty=oneline –graph –decorate –all // Another more complete way
7- git push
* Upload the files to a remote repository
> git push origin main
8- git pull
* Merge all changes that have been made in the local repository with the local working directory
> git pull
9- git branch or git checkout -b
* Create a new branch
> git branch <branch-name>
* Create a branch branch (Second option)
> git checkout -b <branch-name> // Will create the new branch and switch to it instantly
10- git branch -d
* Delete a Branch
> git branch -d <branch-name>
11- git checkout
* Switch to the specified branch and update the active directory
> git checkout <branch-name>
Thanks for reading!